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AB CAT变频器电抗器1321-3R130-B
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AB CAT变频器电抗器1321-3R130-B


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  • 供货总量: 2999台
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    陕西 西安 灞桥区 长乐东路阳光时代B座1栋西单元608

罗克韦尔AB电抗器;1321- 3r,1321 - 3ra,1321 - 3rb系列电抗器

       应用艾伦-布拉德利线反应堆在驱动器的输入处在驱动器的输入端,线路反应器有助于防止出现激增或峰值引入的电线和帮助减少谐波失真。在驱动器的输出端在长电机引线应用中,allen - bradley负载反应堆位于两者之间驱动器和电机有助于减少dv / dt和电机终端峰值电压。的使用负载型反应器还可以帮助保护驱动器不受快速的冲击电流的影响负载的变化。与多个驱动器在公用电源线上的多个驱动器应该各有自己的线路反应堆。单行反应堆在每个驱动器之间提供过滤来帮助减少任何串扰,同时为每一个驱动器提供的电涌保护。与多个汽车当多个电机由单一驱动器控制时,单线电抗器通常可以在驱动器和所有电机之间使用。规模的反应堆基于总电机/负载马力。与单相输入一个三相反应器可用于单相应用程序的路由两个输入功率导体的外部两个线圈,并离开中心线圈断开连接。两线圈电感的总和为总电感电感应用于电路。联系罗克韦尔自动化技术支持协助***适当的反应堆。消除讨厌的绊倒提高真正的动力因素延长半导体寿命.降低电压缺口减少谐波失真.遇到ieee - 519或en -61800保护电机不受长铅的影响.减少浪涌电流降低输出电压dv / dt.降低电机温度延长半导体寿命.减少可听电机N1321反射波减少(RWR)装置

反射波现象的描述驱动器的逆变部分不产生正弦电压,而是由直流产生的一系列电压脉冲公共汽车。这些脉冲沿着电机电缆传到马达,然后反射回驱动器。反射是依赖于驱动输出电压、电缆特性、电缆长度和电机阻抗的上升时间。如果电压反射与另一个脉冲相结合,峰值电压可能处于破坏性的水平。一个IGBT驱动输出可能反映了两倍(2 pu或每单位)直流母线电压的波瞬态电压应力自己的输出线。多个驱动输出线在一个管道或金属托盘进一步增加输出线电压应力在多驱动器输出线之间的接触。驱动 1可能有一个(+)2 pu的压力,同时驱动器2可以同时有(-)2 pu应力。有关更多细节,请参阅PWM驱动器的连接和接地指南,发布驱动- in001。

1321-3R, 1321-3RA, and 1321-3RB Series Line Reactors

Applying Allen-Bradley Line Reactors

At the Input of the Drive

At the input of a drive, line reactors help protect against surges or spikes on the

incoming power lines and help reduce harmonic distortion.

At the Output of the Drive

In long motor lead applications, Allen-Bradley load reactors located between the

drive and motor help reduce dv/dt and motor terminal peak voltages. The use of

a load reactor also helps protect the drive from surge currents caused by rapid

changes in the load.

With Multiple Drives

Multiple drives on a common power line should each have their own line

reactor. Individual line reactors provide filtering between each drive to help

reduce any crosstalk while providing optimum surge protection for each drive.

With Multiple Motors

When more than one motor is controlled by a single drive, a single line reactor

can typically be used between the drive and all the motors. Size the line reactor

based on the total motor/load horsepower.

With Single-Phase Input

A three-phase reactor can be used for single-phase applications by routing each

of the two input power conductors to the outside two coils, and leaving the

center coil disconnected. The sum of the inductance of the two coils is the total

inductance applied to the circuit. Contact Rockwell Automation Technical

Support for assistance in specifying the proper reactor.

 Eliminate Nuisance Tripping  Improve True Power Factor

 Extend Semiconductor Life  Reduce Voltage Notching

 Reduce Harmonic Distortion  Meet IEEE-519 or EN-61800

 Protect Motors from Long Lead Effects  Reduce Surge Currents

 Reduce Output Voltage dv/dt  Reduce Motor Temperature

 Extend Semiconductor Life  Reduce Audible Motor N.

1321 Reflective Wave Reduction (RWR) Devices

Description of Reflected Wave Phenomenon

The inverter section of a drive does not produce sinusoidal voltage, but rather a series of voltage pulses created from the DC

bus. These pulses travel down the motor cables to the motor and then reflected back to the drive. The reflection is

dependant on the rise time of the drive output voltage, cable characteristics, cable length and motor impedance. If the

voltage reflection is combined with another subsequent pulse, peak voltages can be at a destructive level. A single IGBT

drive output may have reflected wave transient voltage stresses of up to twice (2 pu or per unit) the DC bus voltage between

its own output wires. Multiple drive output wires in a single conduit or wire tray further increase output wire voltage stress

between multi-drive output wires that are touching. Drive #1 may have a (+) 2 pu stress while drive #2 may simultaneously

have a (–) 2 pu stress.

For more details, see the Wiring and Grounding Guidelines for PWM Drives, publication DRIVES-IN001.

低压电器设备配件 变频器电抗器 CAT 1321-3RB320-B

1321-3R1-A to 1321-3R8-D 1321-3RA1-A to 1321-3RA8-D 20 A Terminal Block 2.1/0.3 (14/22) 0.51 (4.5)

1321-3R12-A to 1321-3R35-B 1321-3RA12-A to 1321-3RA35-B 65 A Terminal Block 16.0/0.3 (5/22) 1.81 (16)

1321-3R35-C to 1321-3R45-C 1321-3RA35-C to 1321-3RA45-C 85 A Terminal Block 21.2/0.8 (4/18) 2.26 (20)

1321-3R55-A to 1321-3R80-C 1321-3RA55-A to 1321-3RA80-C SLU-125 Box Lug 50.0/10.0 (0/6) 5.09 (45)

1321-3R100-A to 1321-3R160-C 1321-3RA100-A to 1321-3RA160-C SLU-225 Box Lug 120.0-27.0 (0000/2) 16.95 (150)

IP00 (Open) or IP20 IP11 (NEMA/UL Type 1) Type mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.)

1321-3R200-A to 1321-3R200-C 1321-3RA200-A to 1321-3RA200-C

Front Facing Copper Tab

41.3 x 25.4 (1.63 x 1.0) 10.36 (0.408) 3.18 (0.125)

1321-3RB250-B to 1321-3RB250-C 1321-3RAB250-A to 1321-3RAB250-C 57.2 x 19.1 (2.25 x 0.75) 10.31 (0.406) 4.75 (0.187)

1321-3RB320-B to 1321-3R400-C 1321-3RAB320-A to 1321-3RA400-A 44.5 x 38.1 (1.75 x 1.5) 10.31 (0.406) 3.18 (0.125)

1321-3R500-A to 1321-3R500-C 1321-3RA500-A to 1321-3RA500-C

Side Facing Copper Tab

44.5 x 38.1 (1.75 x 1.5) 10.31 (0.406) 3.18 (0.125)

1321-3R600-A to 1321-3R600-C 1321-3RA600-A to 1321-3RA-600-C 76.2 x 38.1 (3.00 x 1.5) 13.49 and 6.35 (0.531 and 0.25) 6.35 (0.25)

1321-3R750-A to 1321-3R750-C 1321-3RA750-A to 1321-3RA850-C 44.5 x 38.1 (1.75 x 1.5) 10.31 (0.406) 3.18 (0.125)

1321-3R850-B to 1321-3R1000-C 1321-3RA850-B to 1321-3RA1000-C 44.5 x 38.1 (1.75 x 1.5) 10.31 (0.406) 3.18 (0.125)

1321-3LR078-B    1321-3LR180-B  1321-3LRA048-B  1321-3LRA078-B    1321-3LRA180-B   1321-3R1000-B   1321-3R1000-C   

1321-3R100-A     1321-3R100-B   1321-3R100-C   1321-3R12-A   1321-3R12-B  1321-3R12-C   1321-3R130-A  1321-3R130-B  

1321-3R130-C  1321-3R160-A  1321-3R160-B  1321-3R160-C   1321-3R18-A   1321-3R18-B  1321-3R18-C  1321-3R1-A  

1321-3R1-B    1321-3R1-C   1321-3R1-D  1321-3R200-A  1321-3R200-B   1321-3R200-C   1321-3R25-A   1321-3R25-B   1321-3R25-C   1321-3R2-A   1321-3R2-B   1321-3R2-C    1321-3R2-D   1321-3R35-A  1321-3R35-B       1321-3R35-C三相线路电抗器、开放(交流传动反应堆),35安培,1.2 mh1321-3R45-A  1321-3R45-B    1321-3R45-C    1321-3R4-A     1321-3R4-B  1321-3R4-C  1321-3R4-D  1321-3R500-A  1321-3R500-B  1321-3R500-C  1321-3R55-A  1321-3R55-B  1321-3R55-C  1321-3R600-A  1321-3R600-B  1321-3R600-C  1321-3R750-A  1321-3R750-B  1321-3R750-C  1321-3R750-E  1321-3R80-A  1321-3R80-B  1321-3R80-C  1321-3R850-A  1321-3R850-B  1321-3R850-C  1321-3R8-A  1321-3R8-B  1321-3R8-C 1321-3R8-D


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陕西赛硕机电设备有限公司 手机:𐀍𐀎𐀏𐀐𐀑𐀍𐀒𐀍𐀓𐀒𐀒 电话:𐀏𐀑𐀐𐀔𐀍𐀎𐀏𐀐𐀑𐀍𐀒𐀍𐀓𐀒𐀒 地址:陕西 西安 灞桥区 长乐东路阳光时代B座1栋西单元608